Reseller Terms Of Service

Last Revised: 08/14/2023

The Reseller Terms and Conditions schedule will be part of the Sales Contract consisting of the MaxServer’s Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Service Level Agreement and the Policies and shall apply to all Quotations, Orders, Sales Contracts, Services, Tests, trials and any other contracts and/or legal relationships between MaxServer and Reseller. MaxServer expressly rejects the applicability of Resellers or third party terms and conditions.

1. DEFINITIONS In the MaxServer Sales Contract Schedules consisting of the MaxServer Sales Terms and Conditions, Reseller Terms and Conditions, the Services Specifications, the Service Level Agreement, the Policies as well in the Order, Quotation, Contract and Contract Overview, the following words and expressions have the following meanings:
Quarter: means a period of three months starting from first of January of every year e.g. first quarter starts on January 1, second quarter starts on April 1, third quarter starts on July 1 and fourth quarter starts on October 1.
Reseller: means any business entity or a business internet professional (i.e. not as a consumer or private user) entering into any Sales Contract, Order, Quotation, trial, beta test, with respect to the provision of services by MaxServer, once fully meet the qualification requirements referred as authorized Reseller.
Third party products and services: means the product and services which are not directly controlled by MaxServer.
Tier: means the advantages and benefits the Reseller will get based on the Total Monthly Recurring Fees. The Tier could change every Quarter, based on the Total Monthly Recurring Fees.
Total Monthly Recurring Fees (MRF): means the aggregated MRF, including MRF of Third party products and services, from all the independent MaxServer sales companies, which operate in a particular geographic area, together.

The Reseller automatically accepts the Reseller Terms and Conditions, which is part of the Reseller Program, by signing a Quotation.

MaxServer is entitled to issue new versions and thereby amend the Reseller Terms and Conditions from time to time. Such amendment also applies to existing Sales Contracts for Services, unless MaxServer states otherwise formally in writing. The amendments come into effect fourteen (14) days after the announcement or on a later date stated in the announcement. The announcement may be made on MaxServer’s website and/or through the Customer Portal. If Reseller does not wish to accept an amendment that relates to an existing Sales Contract, the Reseller has the right to terminate that Sales Contract with effect from the date on which the amendment comes into force solely by means of a written formal Notification for termination that must have been received by MaxServer within fourteen (14) days after MaxServer’s announcement of a new version of any of the Sales Contract Schedule(s), unless (a) the amendment is solely for the benefit of the Reseller; (b) the amendments are required by law; or (c) the amendment does not materially and adversely affect Resellers use of the Services.


Reseller declares to have filled in the Reseller Application Form with the correct information.

Due to MaxServer’s Know Your Customer policy, MaxServer is entitled to request additional information regarding Reseller’s business.


MaxServer is entitled to terminate all Sales Contracts with the Reseller by giving written Notice by separate email or post mail to the legally authorized representative of the Reseller, without an obligation to take into account a notice period if; (i) the information the Reseller provides to MaxServer via the Reseller Application Form is not correct or does not seem to be correct; (ii) the information provided by Reseller changed after accepted as authorized Reseller but not matched the requirements of MaxServer Reseller Program anymore.


Reseller will always apply the applicable MaxServer Policies, including the use of Resellers own NTD and will immediately act properly in accordance thereof in case of any abuse.

Reseller should be able to promptly resolve SPAM, copyright and abuse reports of its End Users and any other violations of MaxServer Sales Contract.


Reseller should have a Total Monthly Recurring Fees (MRF) of at least $50 or an equal amount in local currency.

Reseller should have a verifiable business website, business email, business name, business phone number and business address.

Reseller should resolve SPAM, copyright, and abuse reports of its End Users, and any other violations of the Terms Of Service

Reseller should provide first line support to its End-user.


Specified Tier and Discounts in the chart below are applicable for all authorized Resellers.

*These discounts do not apply to third-party products and services.


The Discounts as described apply to Monthly Recurring Fees and Setup Fees and do not apply to any Third Party products and services that the Customer has ordered from MaxServer such as, but not limited to, domain names, SSL certificates, Software licenses and backup as delivered to the Customer by MaxServer.


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